Monday, October 8, 2012

I miss you Austin.. ♥

Omg I was looking trough my old Crew-map on the computer and I found these. IM FREAKING DEAD

And thank you so much if you're reading my blog, it means the world to me. I mean, how fun would it be if no one read what I was posting.. (; But thank you so much, Iloveyouuuu!

My 2 favorite singers <3

Bruce Wayne

omg austins face . <3

The cutest thing i've ever seen. :''''''D

haha dave.. ;)




But anyways I just need to get this said.
 Everytime i see a picture of Austin when he's performing I get shocked, E V E R Y T I M E.
For me, he's still that little boy with the guitarr and a camera, he's still that boy that had The Crew, lived in San Antonio and had Austreams every friday. I just can't realize that this will never happen again, he's famous now and it'll never be the same thing again. This journey he's done is absolutely incredible, and I can't believe how far he's gotten. I couldn't be prouder at the moment and I love him so extremly much and I can't wait til his first tour. So dont get me wrong because I LOVE that he's getting more fans and stuff but the only thing im worried about is that he will forget about us Mahomies that was there from the beginning, the Mahomies that have supported him for years. But I dont think that will happend, I hope not.. <3

 ~ jess 

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